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Community Development

In this sense, our company has established a Social Management Program focused on improving the living conditions of the communities in our concession area.

We are aware that our main contribution to the community and the social environment in which we operate is to provide a world-class electrical service that allows the social and economic development of the region.

The plan covers the following lines of action:

  • Electrification of rural areas: CEPM reaches all the places where there are communities in its concession area through the construction of electrical infrastructure.

  • Prepaid energy: Program for the sale of energy in prepaid mode, through which the client buys to the extent that they have income, optimizing consumption and avoiding charges for reconnection of the service when there is a suspension due to non-payment.

  • School sponsorship program: In coordination with the Ministry of Education, CEPM contributes to the improvement of the conditions of public educational centers in its area of operation, through the conditioning of its physical infrastructure, academic support through teacher training and library equipment, as well as training for students in various areas, with an emphasis on environmental education.

  • Donation of energy to the public hospital network: CEPM supplies free energy to the entire hospital network in the area where we operate.

  • Donation of energy to public schools: CEPM supplies free energy to the entire network of public schools in our concession area.

  • Donation of energy to military and police institutions: CEPM supplies energy free of charge to the entire network of military and police institutions in the area where we operate.