Energy Generation

CEPM generates, transmits, distributes and markets electricity to tens of thousands of residential, commercial and industrial customers, and to 65% of the hotel sector in our country, through prepaid or postpaid plans.
CEPM generates, transmits, distributes and markets electricity with more than 300MW of installed capacity to tens of thousands of residential, commercial and industrial clients, and to 65% of the country´s hotel sector.
Customers have always been at the center of CEPM‘s development strategy, which is very much aware the power of energy behind the well-being of homes and businesses. It has made the necessary investments that has allowed it to exhibit total energy losses of less than five percent, and service levels and quality comparable to many developed countries in the world.
CEPM is the only electricity distribution company where 100% of its customers are integrated into a smart grid, capable of operating in prepaid or postpaid mode.
In addition, it has developed digital tools, such as the Virtual Office, the CEPM App, the WhatsApp bot, among others, so that homes and businesses can see their actual consumption in real time in an agile, transparent and precise manner. In addition, with the goal of strengthening the security conditions in the region, it signed an agreement with the 911 emergency system and with CESTUR (Tourism Police) to facilitate connectivity and Internet access to schools and hospitals in the region, as well as the installation of video surveillance equipment. It also maintains communication in real time with all State entities working in the region´s security sector.
Likewise, we work together with the town halls and municipal districts to illuminate local streets and avenues with low consumption lamps, thus reducing traffic accidents, upgrading the urban image, strengthening economic activity, and pruning trees to avoid interruptions in the energy service provided, among other actions.

First wind energy project in the Dominican Republic (8.25 MW).

First distribution company to introduce prepaid energy.

District Energy’s first project in the Caribbean.

First electricity distribution company in the country with an intelligent network.
We are Pioneers, in the following areas:
First wind energy project in the Dominican Republic (8.25 MW).
First distribution company to introduce prepaid energy.
District Energy’s first project in the Caribbean.
First electricity distribution company in the country to have all its customers associated with an intelligent network.