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Calls are open for the 7th edition of the Environmental Journalism Awards

The 2022-2023 edition will give media professionals the opportunity to submit a maximum of three pieces of environmental journalism published between May 1, 2022 and May 15, 2023.

The Grand Winner will be selected by an independent jury from among the best works presented, in any of the categories, with a prize of RD$ 500,000.

Santo Domingo, D.R.– The Punta Cana-Macao Energy Consortium (CEPM), Energas and InterEnergy Group, together with the National Business Support Network for Environmental Protection (ECORED) are calling for entries for the seventh Environmental Journalism Award, the country’s main recognition for the promotion of best practices in journalism focused on the agenda of sustainability and care for natural resources.

The 2022-2023 edition will give media professionals the opportunity to submit a maximum of three journalistic works, published in the media of the Dominican Republic between May 1, 2022 and May 15, 2023 on the official website of the award,

The contest includes the following categories: “Print and Digital Media”, “Audiovisual Media” and “Local Media”, with a prize of RD$100,000 each.

In addition, the Environmental Journalism Award continues to open the way for new generations, with the “Young Promise” category, aimed at students of social communication or journalism. This category aspires to an endowment of RD$75,000.00.

For the first place, the jury will choose the most outstanding work, in any of the above categories, which will be awarded the “Grand Winner” prize and a sum of RD$500,000.

The selected jury will evaluate proposals that focus their research on topics that highlight the preservation of endangered endemic species of flora and fauna, the impact of climate change on the environment, energy efficiency and its benefits to the environment, the preservation and use of renewable and non-renewable resources, the importance of biodiversity and the protection and conservation of watersheds.

In this new edition the works will be evaluated by a line of professionals specialized in the areas of journalism, communication and environment formed by Max Puig, executive vice president of the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism; Ana Bélgica Güichardo, director of the School of Communications of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra; Víctor Bautista, CEO of Mediáticos; Katia Gutiérrez, director of Communications of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; Michela Izzo, executive director of Guakía Ambiente; Marvin Del Cid, photojournalist; Óscar Peña, director of the School of Communications of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo; and Carolina Pichardo, winner of the Environmental Journalism Award 2022.

The call for entries for the Environmental Journalism Award will be open until May 15 of this year. The award ceremony is scheduled to take place during the month of June, within the framework of International Environment Day.

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