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CEPM volunteers removed 700 bags of waste in Cabeza de Toro beach

BÁVARO. – Volunteers of the Consorcio Energético Punta Cana – Macao (CEPM) participated in a clean-up day at the Cabeza de Toro beach, in the context of the policy of social responsibility of the company.

Employees of companies ACTIVA and Compañía de Electricidad de Bayahíbe (CEB) also participated in the activity. The group walked over the beach for over eight hours removing trash from the shores.

CEPM reported that, as a result, volunteers managed to collect 700 bags of waste, residues and algae along the beach.

Also, volunteers placed trash cans donated by CEPM and a surveillance booth was built for continuous monitoring of the Navy, also donated by the company.

CEPM is a privately own utilities company that generates, transmits, distributes and commercializes energy in the touristic areas of Punta Cana, Bávaro and Bayahíbe in the Dominican Republic, with an available capacity of more than 198.95 MW.

Through 612.8 kilometers of transmission lines of high, medium and low voltage, the power company supplies 60% of the national tourism sector – about 40 thousand rooms – more than 25 thousand residential customers.

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